Do we have a destiny or is life just a strange series of coincidences? Like today was the first game of the series for Texas Rangers Baseball Donn loved and I do mean LOVED Baseball he started counting down to the start of this season from the last day of the last season in October last year. He followed every bit of Base Ball news during the off season sharing every detail of every trade every and anything to do with the Rangers. He had already decided where he would get a seat at today's game he loved to sit just behind 3rd base at the Arlington Ball Park. He would have been so pumped and excited about today's game as not only was it the start of the season but George Bush pitched the first pitch and Donn was a huge GW fan so it was like a double blow for me that he didnt get to be there for something that would have been a once in alife time experience for him. Alos the rangers won 9-1 and Salty and Josh Hamilton hit Home Runs.
Today was also special for another reason when I got up this morning I had an email from Donn's son Chris who I havent had the chance to talk too since Donn died . This is what the email said
"I dont know if you want to hear from me or not but i just want to tell you that even though i dont know you that well i really love you from the depths of my soul for being with my dad and for all the years you spent with him i just really need you to understand this and i really miss him alot so if maybe you could keep in touch with i think it will help me a whole lot thank you for reading this i hope to hear from you soon i got your email from ricks wife talk to you later love chris"
I only got to Meet Chris a couple of times as he lived in Indiana I was so happy to get his email as I had tried contacting him in a number of ways and not gotten any replies. So I am hoping that talking to Chris and sharing our grief will be beneficial to both of us.